Tuesday, September 15, 2009

One thing that is a little odd to me is how did they find out now? She hasnt been a dominant force in womans racing as far as i know. I mean if she didnt even know, how did they find out? The whole situation seems a little strange to me but if she does in fact have male parts then she cannot compete in womans races. I think she should be allowed to compete in mens races if her times are good enough.


  1. I agree with james. It would be interesting in knowing how they came about this person. It is probably a good thing that they got this taken care of now rather than down the road before she was totally just killing people.

  2. I agree with James and John. Even though this situation is very unfortunate for her and extremely embarrassing, I think that she should not be allowed to compete against women if and only if it is proven that her condition would give her an advantage over her opponent. As of now, I believe she deserves all of the credit that comes along with her victories because no one can take away the hard work and dedication she had put into it. However, if her circumstance is known to give her an advantage it is, in my mind, cheating. I do also agree that if she did not win and/or was not as "masculine" as she is figured to be there would be no controversy which I admit is wrong, but that is just the way it is. In our society, if youre not first, youre last and you ultimately go unnoticed. I would like to give her credit for her accomplishments and hope that it was indeed her talent and not her condition that led to her victories.
