Thursday, September 17, 2009

I believe she was not cheating nor had any intentions to. They should test all the athletes before competition not after. It seems like since she is great at what she does people then are then putting her under the magnifying class and try to bring her down. To herself and her culture there is no question about her or her performance and there is nothing wrong with her therefore she doesn’t need to take any tests. When a male athlete is on top of his game or not, people do not question him about his gender.


  1. I do agree with Jake here in the fact that they should test BEFORE the events, not after. It is unfair to any athlete who has already competed to be tested after an event. No matter if the test results come out in their favor or not, they lose a sense of pride and dignity that comes along with winning in their competition.

  2. I also agree with Jake, athletes should be tested before their competition, and well enough in advance so that they can be stopped from performing if they tested positive for something. This is a slightly different case because I don't think all the athletes in the competition were gender tested. In that case I think everyone should be gender tested.

  3. I also agree that they should do the testing before the competition. If their was any doubt before the race they should have done the testing. This was a great achievement to win at the World Championships and this controversy is taking away from that accomplishment.
