Wednesday, September 16, 2009

I don't know what to make of this. On the one hand, if she has testes then theres the possibility that testostorne could have aided her in some way. Even then though, there was have to be some way to prove that the testostorne did, in fact, help her. On the other side though, if she was born like that and didn't know about it, what is she to do? I can't see any reasonable way to blame her for it. As to how she sould be treated in regards to playing with men or women, its a very difficult situation and would hate to have to be the one who decides because I think no matter what way you would go, there would be criticism of your decision.

1 comment:

  1. Ben this is for sure a very sensitive and difficult decision to make. Another thought that does not seem to have come up yet, is would any of us still want to compete after this whole ordeal? Could it be possible that this has been such a blow to her identity that she may decide never to compete again? Obviously a question we can not answer but something to think about
