Wednesday, September 30, 2009

I do believe that sports journalists play a role in telling us what athletes are good and bad. They are the ones that decide what is going in the papers, on the radio and on television. Articles in newspapers and magazines are sometimes written in ways the athlete didn’t mean or intend to say. Also on television, press conferences or post-game interview clips are cut at certain spots which makes the audience think that was all that was said. Sports journalists want stories that are interesting to the audience and I think they will do anything to do just that.


  1. Katie brings up a great point about media production. Press interviews or news conferences, can be put together in a certain way in order to express a certain agenda. Is it up to the audience to go and find the whole story, or should we hold the media more accountable for providing us with information? Also since the media has a lot of control over the information they provide us with, does that mean we should all be more critical of the stories they provide us with?

  2. There is no doubt that the media plays an agenda-setting function in today's society, but at the same time I think that viewers need to be more critical about what they are reading. That being sad how can they be more critical if what they are reading is complete fabrication? That is why it is so important that there are good journalists in today's world and that news organizations realize how important what they do is.

  3. I agree, I believe that many times writers portray events in ways that are misconstrued or misinterpreted and this can lead to unintended controversy or misunderstandings. Both being able to harm an athlete's reputation on a very public level.
