Friday, September 25, 2009


A lot of the poster believe that Crabtree is in the wrong for everything that he is doing with his contract but I am going to have to disagree. I think that he needs to do what is best for him and get what he can get. If he is not happy where he is at I think he is doing the right thing and fighting for what he wants. Critics say that he is not playing for the love of the game and he is all about the money, I have to disagree. He has worked his ass off to get where he is today and he deserves it. He will bring in a lot of revenue where ever he plays.

1 comment:

  1. Reading some of the articles presented to us, I also chose the Crabtree article. Looking further into the context of the article i believe this is a classic situation where an individual is victim to the people around him. In so many cases regarding pro sports, athletes surround themselves with people looking for only one thing, money, not focusing on whats best for their client in the long run. However, Crabtree is a grown man, and when it comes down to it, he is the boss and should realize that he is only hurting himself. Why wouldn't you sign that contract? I mean my god, with today's economy he has to be careful that not accepting the contract could be very detrimental to his stock as an NFL player. But when it comes down to is the NFL is a business just like any other league, and if he performs he will get paid, no matter how he acts.
