Thursday, October 1, 2009

Sports Journalists

The job of a sports journalist is supposed to bring us the sports information and present it in a semi unbiased way. There is quite an array of sports journalists out there with every end of the spectrum covered. You have your controversial ones, the ones that actually do bring sports to us without bias, and you have the ones who really like to exagerate things. All this really makes sports what it is today. It's all entertainment and they do that to the fullest. I definitely agree that a lot of journalists just go off and don't really know exactly whats going on. The only journalists that i'll take seriously is ones that have actually played a sport and know exactly what's going on with every aspect of that sport. Having that knowledge of playing it makes them more credible in my opinion.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with this statement that the only journalist that can be trusted are those who have actually been around the sport or has actually competed in the sport. There is another type of journalist who i think can be trusted and those are the ones that actually love the sport. For the most part you cannot trust journalist because they dont have anything better to do. They are probably just good writers and want to make a story. And the best way for them to write a story is to exploit the faults of young adults.
