Thursday, October 15, 2009

Athletes never speak out about politics anymore like they used to. I believe this is because they are afraid of getting criticized by the media, and they don't want to make themselves look bad. Though they are looked at as leaders, I think they would be better off sticking to what they are more familiar with instead of stating their opinion about some issue going on in the world. Especially when their opinion doesn't have much of an effect on anything, just like everyone else.


  1. I agree with this to an extent but i do think that athletes opinions matter not necessarily because of the thoughts or feelings they have on an issue but because of the media attention that they recieve. They may not have the brightest ideas or even might have really bad ideas but it doesn't matter because they have a national audience because of the media coverage they recieve. And you know what they say any publicity is good publicity.

  2. I think athletes should keep there opinions to themselves for the most part. I agree that the media can sometimes take what they say and turn it into whatever they want, but there are times when the athletes can use the media attention they receive and use it for a good cause. Maybe their is an issue that isn't getting enough attention that an athlete feels if they speak out they can create some awareness for this cause. I think athletes are looked up to by many people and they receive a lot of attention so if they can use that to do good then I would have no problem with it.
