Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Athletes and Politics

I think it is usually a good thing when athletes make a political stand, if the athlete knows what they are talking about. When athletes just say things to say things and don't actually know the specifics of what they are talking about I think they are better off not saying anything. They have the ability to attract alot of attention and bring minor issues to the fore front in society. I don't think athletes should be afraid to speak their minds about politics. What Fujita and the players speaking out against Rush Limbaugh is a great example of how athletes can make people think about different issues. I also think that above all else athletes are still people, so the only difference between them and someone else speaking their mind is that athletes are doing so on a stage. With that in mind, I think that it is important that athletes do their research and know what they are talking about in regards to political and social issues, because so many people will listen to them. This is very evident with Cathy Freeman and the John Carlos and Tommie Smith. These instances were perfect examples of how powerful an athletes message can be, as well as how they can bring about change. That being said, athletes should be prepared for people to not always like what they are saying. They need to realize that no matter what their stance they will have people who will disagree with them, and could lose fans or even sponsorships if the issue is large enough. However, if the athlete feels strong enough about the issue then they should not be aligned with sponsors that will drop them for their beliefs.


  1. I agree for the most part with Sebert's statement. The one key thing that i would like to address about it is that the athlete should be well educated and informed if they are going to speak out publicly about an issue. They are a visual tool that can be used to get issues brought up or get more attention but if they are uneducated about a subject it makes them look stupid and can hurt the credibility of the issue at hand.

  2. I agree with both statements. Athletes need to be extremely well informed and be prepared for dealing with the backlashes of their comments. There will always be someone who wants to disagree but it is a matter of knowing the topic, feeling strongly about it, and fighting for it and not giving in to other people's opinions simply because its easy to do so.
