Thursday, October 29, 2009

I believe it is imperative that athletes act appropriate in the pubic eye because the reason they are where they are is because people have supported them. The least they can do is act like normal citizens. A lot of people look up to these athletes and they should be acting just like a normal citizen would everyday.


  1. So what does acting normal mean? Who gets to decide what is normal? Do we hold other entertainers, politicians etc. to the same standards?
    Why or why not?

  2. I think today's world holds everyone in the public eye, except for politicians to a similar standard. I would expect a politician to act differently than a rapper or even a NFL player, mostly because a politician is someone that the public has voted to represent them and should keep in mind what the people they are representing want. We don't always get a say in the athletes that are favorite teams get, so they have less to worry about as far as doing what their fans want.

  3. I agree that politcians are and probably should be held to a different or higher standard simply due the fact that they are voted into office and they are where they are because of the support of the American people. To me, acting "normal" would include making mistakes just like the rest of us. Look at the police blotter in the DI on any Monday and you'll see a whole group of people who made mistakes. Now that doesn't mean they are bad people; making mistakes is part of life. In regards to the original post, I'm not sure I would agree with the statement that athletes are where they are because support of the people. Sure it helps, but fans have little if anything to do with all the hard work athletes have put in over the years during their career. However, I would agree thought that acting like a respectful citizen should be something athletes should think about and be aware of.
