Friday, October 9, 2009

After seeing part of "In whose honor", I can more easily see why mascots like the Illini's was viewed as racist. Many fans viewed his dancing an act as a form of entertainment. They yelled and screamed "chief" as he did an unauthentic dance. I think that people's cultures and traditions are not other people's entertainment, and should be respected and aknowledged such as Florida States. There is no problem when a school treats the mascot such as FSU does.


  1. I would agree with you but I think that the cheif mascot from illni's mascot should not have been removed. The main reason I say this is because the fans of the illini were not trying to make it a racist act. The looked at the chief with a great deal of pride and joy. I think would possible could have happened was instead of outlawing it, they should have changed it and made the dance and outfit more authentic. Possibly they could have had an actual member of the tribe act as the chief?

  2. I disagree with Zeus here a bit. They did everything they could to make that dance as authentic as they could. In no way were they mocking the native Americans. Once again if anything they were showing appreciation and loyalty to the Native American people.

  3. I disagree with John, I think that the schools/mascots have not done everything they could to make the dances/rituals authentic to the Native American culture and I also believe that non-Native Americans who serve as the mascots will never able to truly behold the meaning of the dances they perform as the Native Americans do/did. I think that having the Native American mascots is degrading to the culture and should be altered to a different mascot.

  4. You know no matter what you do as far as mascots people are going to be upset either way. But after watching the rest of the video today someone pointed out the fact that someone had a sign in the movie with all of these racial slurs for every race, and at the bottom it said "Redskins" and I guess i never though about it that way. As far as Illinois i would argue that they are trying to represent the tribe with honor and such but the only way that the Native American people are going to be happy is with these references gone. Trying to get around it with someone from the tribe actually playing the part will not do anything i feel, especially after this big up roar.

  5. People are just putting to much into the issue. We are NOT trying to offend Native American people. It's not like we laugh at them when they dance. It may not be authentic, but in no way are they trying to be offensive. Plus, I realize that Notre Dame is founded by Irish Catholics, but are Irish people offended by a dancing leprechaun? No. If the point of mascots was to be racist, then it would be horrible, but that isnt the point.

  6. I think that the dont repersent the native americans well and the dances maybe good to them but it isnt right. Its not a real dance its what they make up and that is wrong. Maybe it would be better if they actually had a real native american doing them but they just have somebody who made up the dance and knows really not that much about the backround.
