Thursday, October 29, 2009

I definatly think athletes are and should be role models to the thousands of kids that wish to be in their shoes when they grow up. I'm not saying athletes should be role models for every kid out there, but athletes should accept the role of kids who want to be like them later down the road. Not every kid grows up wishing to be the next superstar athlete, but for those who do, I think professional athletes need to act as a role model to them. Kids who are interested in sports and who go to sporting events, find their favorite player and copy everything they do. So I definatly think athletes are role models for those kids who wish to be like them.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with kurtis that These professional athletes have to realize that kids from all over the world look up to them. As kurtis said maybe not every kid but there are kids who need a good role model where they cant find one. There are kids who dont even care about sports out there. But the kids who really care about sports from such a young age copying there moves, buying all there gear they need them. Maybe they will grow out of it but these athletes have to realize that they are being watched by these kids very close and if they change something as small as how they tie there shows kids will start to do it as well.
