Thursday, December 3, 2009

Sports vs. Politics

I think this is a very interesting topic. To many people, sports are exciting, entertaining, fun. They are thought of as a leisurely activity, whether people are participating or viewing them. Sports are supposed to be fun and enjoyable, and in the realm of things, anyone can participate. On the other hand, many people think of politics in a more negative manner. Politics involve rules and regulations, "bad things" that people don't like thinking about in a leisurely manner. I think this is why many people seem to be more interested in sports. Sports are a hobby for many. Politics often cause debates and fights that aren't easily solved; politics don't seem fun to most people. Although everyone also has the chance to be involved with politics (voting, etc), a lot of the population isn't very educated on a lot of important issues, and there's also the issue of "my opinion/vote doesn't matter, so what is the point?". Although the two issues probably shouldn't be mixed, they obviously are. Sport is one of the main ways is which nationalism comes through. The Olympics are supposed to be a way in which countries come together and all get along and "play", but politics often get intertwined and bad things often occur as a result. So although the two are thought to be completely separate things, they are often sort of melted together.

1 comment:

  1. I agree completely that the two seem to go hand in hand. This is somewhat unfortunate because sports should be about sports and politicians should really just let the athletes play. But they can have such a profound impact on countries, point in case the new movie with Matt Damon and Morgan Freeman about South Africa.
