Sunday, December 6, 2009

People care about sports more than politics because it is easier for them to do so. To be educated in politics, people need to read books, learn about issues and controversies and possible solutions. Then people need to generate their own beliefs and thoughts about the issue. It is much easier for society to sit on the couch and watch what ESPN is telling you is important in the sporting world. People as shown in the video, aren't really educated in politics and just pretend to be. When people take that route, its pretty obvious how ignorant you can be.

steve staggs

I thought the video was also pretty funny because it really made you aware of how people who say they are interested in politics, don't really know a whole lot about politics. Politics can be so widely percieved that it's hard for people to be on the same page with it. Also, I think that politics are in sports more than people like to admit. People see politics as corruptive, and don't want to admit that they are in sports.

Friday, December 4, 2009


I think the video with sara Palin was funny. Nobody there new anything really about her or what she was trying to do for the country. Everybody was just saying answers that didnt even make sense. Half of them said that they didnt even know. This shows that nobody knows anything anymore about politics. You have the few people that know about it but for the most part you have people that where in the video that didnt know anything. All they new was that a famous person was goign to be there so they went. Now if someone was go to a basketball game and ask fans about this team and that team playing, im sure the fans could give them answers. People care more about sports then politics because politics are boring to most people. People want things exciting. I feel if they somehow could join with the sports a little it would help a lot and would be able to get things out more.
I think it is hard to say if people care about sports or politics more than the other. I think if you did a random survey and asked people what they cared more about they would say politics, but if you followed that up with some sort of political question, more than likely very few would know the answer. I think people are more interested in sports, but don't necessarily care about them more. Most people realize that politics have a much large impact on our lives than sports do, yet if you walked up to people and ask who the Iowa football coach, I bet 90% could say Ferentz, but if you asked who their congressman was, I think an almost embarrassingly small amount of people would know that it was Loebsack.
That said, we see all kinds of examples of politcs in sports and how they are kind of meshed together sometimes. The steriod issue in baseball is a perfect example. In this instance I think it kind of 'dumbs down' what the meaing of politics are; in the sports world I would just say that it is argueing for one side or another.
I agree with John saying that sports and politics are intertwined. The two go hand in hand. Because both are very important in our culture and are viewed by millions. Each can you each other as a advertisement to get there point across and many athletes and politician have history in both so they feel as if they need to make a statement about it.
I would say that in todays world people do care more about sports then they do politics. I think that in the older generations politics were a bigger deal in the news then they are today. I think this because I feel most people find politics boring while sports are very entertaining. However politics are extremely present in sports today. For example the NFL fining players for celebrations or not wearing the certain parts of there uniform. This is the comissioner trying to have control of its athletes which is an example of politics. But, when it comes to the question of what does the general population care about more politics or sports I would have to say sports.
For me i would have to say that politics and sports are two different things still in their own way. The thing is, is that a lot of time sports becomes involved in politics, just like sometimes politics become involved with sports. There are many examples of this. Like, Obama filling out brackets for the NCAA, or Rush Limbaugh wanting to become part owner of the Rams. There easy accessibility to these things and thats the way society is set up. I do not think it is a bad thing by any means, it just very interesting how we view things. If i were watching a sporting event i would probably not sit there and think there are a lot of politics happening here. You do not really notice until you stop and think about the rules and all of the other small things that come with sports.