Thursday, December 3, 2009

I believe people care more about sports than politics because people are most familiar and understand sports at a higher level. Most individuals were raised playing sports, watching sports, learning the rules, taking stats of specific games, and how exciting it really is. Politics come at a more unfamiliar level because it is not thoroughly understood. Like watching the clip in class, people were supporting Palin but they really didn’t know her views on many issues. Some of them talked like they knew what was going on but there is so much information on political policies that it can become very confusing and people are not willing to take the time to fully understand politics.


  1. I agree that most people feel more partial towards sport because they have participated in sport themselves. THey have a higher interest level in something that they are more familiar with.

  2. I agree, i too found the video very funny yet disturbing. Whiel we are tlaking about sports. Notice that nearly everyone of the people interviewed where supporting a local sports team or ohio state, likly to be an ohio state athletic team. I bet thos people coudl tell u all one would want to know about that particular team yet they know absolutly nothing about the politics that surround them.
